
In my last post, I asked everyone for their assistance in brainstorming ideas for me to fund the dream of traveling to every country in the world.  Thank you to everyone who responded.  It created some fun conversation and dialog.  While I had a few ideas on my own the contribution brought forth more ideas which I greatly appreciate.  While not all ideas are practical, actually some where goofy, I appreciate them all.  So, listed here in no particular order are all the ideas which have surfaced to date, followed by some personal thoughts on each.

Reality Show- Sell a TV/Cable channel on following me around the world in some sort of reality bit about the travel.  My first thoughts are, isn’t reality TV a little overdone now days.  Then, what’s the hook?  Why would someone want to see an unknown like me on TV?  Why would any media executive bite on the idea?  Additionally, in pursuing the goal of going to every country I’d end up visiting some pretty boring places with little to offer in terms of entertainment value, which I definitely don’t think would make good TV.  So, if you have any ideas on a theme to such a show, which might have the possibility of attracting an executives interest, send them my way.  How about, wasted around the world, or drunk in every country?

Guide Book Writer- Get hired by a guide book publisher and help write chapters for their guide books.  While on the surface this sounds practical, it isn’t at all.  First there are zillions of people, better qualified, knocking on guide book publisher doors to do this job.  Second, guide book writers go to one country or section of a country and spend long periods of time, six months or more, doing research to produce their content.  In my goal of going to every country I’ll only be in a country for a max of a few weeks, far to short to garner enough information to contribute to such a guide.  I’d be relying on these guide book writers to ease my travels on what to see and where to stay.

Sponsors- Obtain sponsorships from corporations to fund the travels.  Corporations pay for sponsorships because it either makes them look good, ie giving to charity or because they get a form of advertising value in return.  I think this idea has some merit if I had enough followers.  Meaning, if I had a million people reading my blog, I have no doubt I could get sponsorships.  However the 300-500 folks which have read my blog thus far  is far short of any number I think could be effectively sold to a paying sponsor at this stage.  I first need to find a source to pay for more travel to build a following so that I could eventually get sponsors.

Book- Write a book about my travels.  Well, that might be a possibility after I got around the world.  However, I haven’t done that yet and to accomplish it I first need an income stream to fund it.  Some have said write about what you’ve traveled thus far.  Well, I have already and if you’re reading this posting you’ve most likely already read it, for free.  Plus, it’s only enough content to fill maybe a chapter in a book, not an entire book.

American Gigolo-Whore myself around the world.  As one person submitted, $2000 X 150 per woman (if you really think a lot of yourself) or $150 x 2000 women (probably more realistic) each year to accomplish your goal.  Now before you think this is a totally crazy idea, take into consideration the number of women in each of those countries that you could man-whore yourself out to. Think of it as a working vacation.  One word …… NOT!……

Travel Columnist- Get a job as a travel columnist writing about my travels around the world in a print column, blog on the publications website, or both.  Anything from a travel website to a publication such as Outdoor magazine might be a potential outlet for content similar to what I’ve already written.  I like this idea as I already have examples of the type of content I can produce while traveling and it demonstrates my style.  In addition I could grow the content by writing about more than just my travels.  I could review travel gear which I’ve used, guide books which are useful, travel logistics and planning etc.  The plus to this is, if I could become a part of a publication that already has a following, they hopefully could afford to fund the travel with the idea my column would enhance their current readership and attract new readers as well.  The other positive is any publication would most likely have an editor reviewing my work which could improve my writing skills to make the stories even better.  The cons are I need to successfully sell a publication on risking an investment in me.  A time consuming task which takes away from pursuing other things while I eat into my rainy day funds.  If successful, well worth the effort and if not I’m where I’m at now but with less money in hand.

Photo Journalist- Become a photo journalist and travel the world taking pictures.  This could be a ball.  Lots of folks seem to like the pictures of my travels, however I’m a critic and I think anyone paying for pics would be too.  I”m not sure, but I surmise there are loads of other better photographers vying for this as well.  Also if it worked for a publication I doubt they’d hire me with the intent of visiting every country in the world.   This brings to mind, is there a way to sell any of the pics I currently have?  Is there a way I could continue to sell images as I get great shots.  I think it would be more realistic if I could sell shots here and there as purely a supplemental income stream.  If you know of any sources where I might be able to sell what I currently have, please let me know.

Personal Shopper- Become a personal shopper for expats and for unique items from a country.  Meaning, if I know I’m going to X country put the word out in the hopes an expat living there might want normal goods from the states which are hard to find where they live and I’d bring it with me for a fee.  The flip of this is I”m going to X country and somebody in the states would like a unique item from there and likewise I’d acquire it for them for a fee.  This has some merit and I could see on occasion it producing some income.  As a standalone, there is no way it would bring in enough money to fund the travel I’m looking to do.  It’s purely the possibility of some piecemeal income.

Travel Guide- Become a travel guide to other countries.  Maybe, if I could figure out a way to do it on my terms.  I think travel guides tend to know about where they are traveling.  Meaning they’ve been there before and know the inn’s and outs of the location so those paying to go have someone showing them the best stuff with limited to no hiccups.  I want to travel to new countries each time which I’ve never been before and am figuring it out as I go.  This involves, hiccups including mistakes and not always getting to do what you want.   While myself and some others like traveling in this unplanned adventuresome manner, I’m confused as to why others which do would pay for such a service as those with the spirit for unscripted travel tend to travel like I do already.  Another aspect of being a travel guide that I personally don’t like is that I wouldn’t get to do what I want.  Rather I’d be doing what those I’m leading want to do and see.  In essence, I’d be someone else’s bitch.  Not what I want to do.  So, what type of person would pay me to tag along on a trip where they don’t know for sure what they are going to see and do before they get there.  More importantly why would they pay me if I wanted to do something and they didn’t.    I know this view is somewhat selfish, but my dream is to travel to every country and I simply don’t want to do it in a manner where I  have to be serving someone else in toe.  If you have a perspective on why someone would want to pay me to tag along in my style, I’m all ears.

Reviewer- Review guide books and other travel gear.  Which is the best guide book for X country, what’s good/bad about X product.  As a stand alone item, where could I sell this information?  I think it would be better integrated with other suggestions such as the travel columnist.

Buy/Sell Agent- While I’m traveling buy a few unique one of a kind items from each country I visit and sell them when I get home on Ebay or some other site.  This also I believe could make some money but again only supplemental.  In every country I’ve been too, I’ve always randomly come across super cool one of a kind things.  Sometimes I don’t get stuff because of price, but most often I’m prevented from purchasing stuff simply because I don’t know what I would do with it.  I live in a modest size townhouse and have limited space.  Adopting the Buy/Sell attitude would solve my what will I do with it dilemma.  Plus I’d be able to provide unique stories and pictures about where and what I’ve purchased to sell.  Ultimately, I doubt this would produce enough to pay for the travel by itself but it could sure add some dollars to the kitty if I can find a primary income stream.

Importer- Buy goods and import that countries goods.  While this might have the ability to pay for the travels it would require spending my time while in a country researching what they have to offer, finding a vendor where I could acquire the goods, negotiating prices and quantities, and coordinating or arranging shipping of containers of goods back to the states.  This doesn’t count then setting up and dealing with customs and importing containers of stuff.  I haven’t even addressed where would I sell it all.  As well, for all the effort, I’d only be going to the country once and most vendors on a large scale are based on continual relationships not one time purchases.  The biggest con being I’d spend my time in a country hunting for an item and a supplier and not on being a tourist as outlined in my dream profession.  Thus my lack of interst.

That’s it folks, twelve ideas helped spawned by you from my last post.  If you have any suggestions, feedback, or ideas based on what I’ve posted here, please get in touch.  I hope this helps stoke more creativity.  I”m still looking for all the imput I can get.  If new ideas develop or current ones grow more, I’ll keep posting.  At this stage the travel columnist idea seems like the most realistic and potentially feasable idea.  Baring the introcudtion of another idea, I’m planning on risking some time and money on working a yet to be developed plan selling myself to a large number of yet to be defined publications.

Shortly after making my last post about my dream I read the following article in Forbes about a guy who is living his dream sailing around the world and getting paid well to do it.  He was creative in his approach and it convinces me there has got to be a way for me to accomplish my dream, I only have to figure it out.

As for my health.  My shoulder and ribs are doing very well.  While they aren’t 100% it’s pretty close.   However, five months after my accident I’m still having persistent issues with my right hip.  I have a constant low level pain that won’t go away which gets worse with walking more than a half mile.  I’ve been to two differnt surgeons and had one MRI which resulted in me being sent for a more detailed MRI arthrogram which was completed this week.  I see the doc again next week and hopfully at that time I”ll find out what’s wrong and whether surgury will be necessary.  Until this hip issue is resolved no matter my dream, travel is out of the question.

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