8 Weeks

It’s hard to believe it’s been eight weeks since I had my accident and while I’ve improved tremendously I’m still not back to full completely.  The past two months, I’ve filled most of my time with being sedentary and going to physical therapy three times a week.    To say the least I’ve grown tired of watching TV and surfing the Internet.  While I’ve had all the time in the world to do things I’ve had zero motivation to do anything and been through periods of feeling depressed.

As for my status, the rib pain has mostly subsided.  Last week, 7 weeks into healing I was able to lay down flat and sleep in bed instead of a recliner for the first time.  Yeah!  Getting in and out of bed is still quite painful, however I can get quite comfortable once there.   Another Yippee, is that I started driving last week as well, which has created tremendous autonomy and freedom from relying on friends to ferry me everywhere.  In general I’m self sufficient but still limited.  I have a max weight limit of only a few pounds in my right hand and have regained a significant use of my arm.  I can lift it to about shoulder level but not yet above my head.  I’m still having some issues with my hip as well.  The damage is tendon and ligament related and a full recovery is expected.  A few weeks ago I wasn’t able to walk no more than a block with0ut severe pain and this week I made it walking for 15 minutes before pain set in.  I find interesting, the bruising has disappeared yet the skin along my right leg is still touch sensitive as if there is still a bruise.  The graphic photo below is of one of my bruises along my right side a week after the accident.



I’m starting to think about what is next.  While I need to finish healing first, I’m not sure what my next move will be.  While my desire is to pick the trip back up and finish the year, I’m not sure when that will be and financially, I’m not sure if it will be feasible.   Whether I get reimbursed by travel insurance for the medical expenses I’ve incurred will have an effect on any final decision.  (more on this topic later)  If finishing the trip doesn’t materialize I will need to figure out what I’m going to do for income as the business climate is still circling the drain for my expertise.   Regardless, this unfortunate mishap has been quite costly.  I’ve had to absorb the cost of my first class fight home and had to cancel the the remainder of my around the world airline ticket, which only netted a small refund in comparison to its price.  In total I’m 20k down from these two things and the tab could be quite higher if I am not reimbursed for medical expenses.  So, if I am able to finish the year it will require purchasing new airline tickets and re-planning the route.  Regardless, I’ve blown half my original budget and it will be one of the factors in a final decision.  In the meantime, my goal is to start working on finishing the blog post about what happened and posting pictures for the remainder of the trip, which I’ve eluded to doing many times and procrastinated.
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One Response to 8 Weeks

  1. Mark says:

    Glad to hear of the progression in your recovery. I can only imagine how one would start to feel a bit “stir-crazy” after being nearly immobile for so many weeks. At the same time, you have so much for which to be thankful.
    We’re thinking of you and praying for you!

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