Widow Maker

I was admitted to Tampa General Hospital last Tuesday due to chest pain. I’ve spent the past several days more stressed than I’ve ever been in life and have been through a roller coaster of emotions. After days of testing, I’ve been informed I have a 70% plaque blockage in the left main coronary artery, an area known as the “Widow Maker”. It’s called this because when a heart attack happens from platelets or a piece of plaque breaking loose in this area it causes a massive severe heart attack and death usually within a very short period of time. Frequently as short as 5 minutes or less. More info here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Widow_maker Or watch this explination. www.youtu.be/KIEkBneriGo

I did not have a heart attack and I do not have any heart damage. However the blockage is severe enough to be causing problems. In addtion, I have four other arteries being feed by the left main artery that are 50% blocked. Picture it as a tree trunk and roots in reverse, where the blood flows through the tree trunk to the roots feeding the heart oxygen through my blood. This is the most important vessel in the human body. Due to the location of the widow maker blockage, angioplasty and stenting are not possible options to fix my blockage. Therefor on Monday October 21, I will be undergoing an Open heart quadruple bypass, where the surgeon is going to shoot for using arteries from my arms to bypass the blockages going to my heart. As a backup he will use veins from my legs. If I do not do this it’s a certain death in the near future.

This is a very serious extensive operation which while done a lot carries significant risk. I am nervous, anxious, and not looking forward to a difficult recovery. I have selected Cedric Sheffield as the surgeon to do the operation and am confident he’ll do a phenomenal job.

I will be in the cardiac ICU for several days and in the hospital at least a week before being released to go home. Recovery will be at least 8 weeks of therapy and I will forever be following up with a cardiologist to monitor my longterm prognosis. I do not know when I will be capable of posting more news of my status, therefore I have given a couple close friends access to posting on Finding Flattop, which also post to Facebook, to inform anyone who wants to know how things are going.

The blockage was caused by the inherited genetic disorder, Familial Hypercholesterolimia Type IIb. I have been aware of my increased risk for many years and have been on numerous medications to delay or prevent what I’m going through. The cardiologist has told me there isn’t anything else I could have done.

I am grateful that while I delayed coming to get checked out for a few days from the first signs of chest pain, that I finally decided to come in before it became fatal.

When I’m capable, I’ll be back online to let everyone know personally how it’s went.

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11 Responses to Widow Maker

  1. Alicia says:

    It was great to see you tonite! Wishing you the best, saying prayers and know you’re in good hands at TGH with a top surgeon! We’ll be thinking of you and will see you soon…..Take it easy and when you’re ready and able, enjoy your “goodie bag.” 🙂 ~Alicia & Dan

  2. Pat Feinberg says:

    Just saw the post. Will be thinking of you tomorrow. Hoping all goes well . Please do not hesitate to have someone contact me for anything. Pat

  3. Carol Candlish says:

    I will be praying for you for a full recovery.

  4. Linda says:

    Love you!

  5. Chelle says:

    You’re in my thoughts Mike…wishing you a speeding recovery. 8 weeks will behind you before you know it. Hugs, Chelle

  6. Servet says:

    May the power be with you… I am thinking of you and wishing that you have successful surgery and speedy recovery!

  7. Dudley says:

    thanks for the update Flattop, ill be saying a prayer for you as well, Dudley

  8. maxine says:

    Michael, my thoughts and prayers are with you! XXOO

  9. Shelia says:

    Thoughts and prayers

  10. Ryn says:

    I will be praying for a successful surgery without complications and a speedy recovery. I can’t wait to see the more energized, million dollar Flattop.
    Ryn 🙂

  11. John Herbst says:

    My thoughts are prays are with you. I just can’t believe what you have through over the past few years. I truly feel for you.

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